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Смит энд Нефью, Владивосток

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Proudly supported healthcare professionals in their daily efforts to improve the lives of their patients for over 150 yearsWith leadership positions in Orthopaedic Reconstruction, Advanced Wound Management, Sports Medicine, ENT, Trauma and GYN, Smith & Nephew has almost 14, 000 employees and a presence in more than 100 countries

Smith & Nephew develops and markets advanced medical devices that help healthcare professionals treat patients more effectively – and patients get back to their normal lives faster.Our dedicated Global Business Units – Orthopedic Reconstruction, Orthopedic Trauma & Clinical Therapies, Endoscopy and Advanced Wound Management – specialize in innovative, cost-effective products that meet pressing healthcare needs. Smith & Nephew was founded in 1856. A leader in each of our three specialist markets, we now operate in 90 countries, employ over 11, 000 people and generate annual sales of $4. 3 billion.We stay ahead in our markets through substantial investment in our products, research and development and through our close, long-term relationships with customers. Across the world, healthcare budgets are under pressure. Faster, more cost-effective treatment makes life easier for patients and healthcare providers. To achieve it, we apply our technical expertise and resources to continually develop new, leading-edge solutions. With the help of our products and our support for healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses and surgeons can provide treatment more quickly and economically – and with better results.Patients enjoy improved mobility or flexibility, recover from surgery quicker, find their conditions easier to manage and see an improved quality of life. These benefits are encapsulated in the ambition that shapes our entire business: Helping people regain their lives.  We are a constituent of the UK's FTSE100 and our shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange and through American Depository Receipts on the New York Stock Exchange (LSE: SN, NYSE: SNN).On July 2015 we have acquired the trauma and orthopedics business of DeOst LLC. DeOst has been the distributor of Smith & Nephew ASD products in Russia since 2009. We have also acquired DC LLC, a manufacturing company in the DeOst group, gaining immediate capability to manufacture and market mid-tier products in Russia.  

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  Официальный сайт: www.smith-nephew.com
 Телефон: не указан
Другие средства связи:  facebook twitter linkedin cataloxy
* Пожалуйста, сообщите, что нашли контакты на Cataloxy
 Адрес: проспект Острякова, 5
г. Владивосток, Приморский край

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