Ensto is a family business and international cleantech company specializing in the development, manufacture and marketing of electrical systems and supplies for the distribution of electrical power as well as electrical applications. We are committed to lasting sustainable development and our goal is to be the world’s leading company in green energy efficiency and distribution.
Ensto is an international family business which designs and provides smart electrical solutions to improve the safety, functionality, reliability and efficiency of smart grids, buildings and transportation.
Ensto was founded in 1958 and employs ca. 1, 600 passionate professionals in Europe, the USA and Asia. In 2016, we generated turnover of ca. 260 million euros. We believe in a better life with electricity and a more sustainable tomorrow.
Не забывайте, что самую подробную информацию об организации Энсто Рус, финский электротехнический концерн в Владивостокe вы всегда можете получить на официальном сайте, в офисе компании или позвонив по телефону ↓
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